WhatsApp launches a new setting in WhatsApp

 WhatsApp launches a new setting in WhatsApp

WhatsApp launches a new setting in WhatsApp

Recently WhatsApp launches a new setting in WhatsApp that is now users can mute chat forever. Now you will see '8 hours', '1 week', and 'Always' options instead of a 1-year option.1 year as part of the previous setting in the mute notification option. Whatsapp shares this update through their Twitter account.

Users will still be able to choose whether WhatsApp shows them notifications for that chat or not. This new feature is available for IOS, Android devices, and also for WhatsApp web.

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How to use the always mute setting in WhatsApp

WhatsApp launches a new setting in WhatsApp

To use this new feature you must have updated WhatsApp.After updating your Whatsapp you have to just follow these steps to use this new feature.
  1. open your Whatsapp and click on any chat which you want to mute forever.
  2. Then click on the right top and select mute notifications.
  3. Then select "Always" and click ok

In the future, Whatsapp will also add a shop button in the Whatsapp business app so that will be easy for customers to do shopping from Whatapp by seeing their product catalog.

Whatsapp has also announced to launch a disappearing feature in Whatsapp and this feature will come soon in our WhatsApp app.

Whatsapp is trying to make WhatsApp is better and reliable for everyone, and of course, WhatsApp is a very reputed company.

In the few years Whatsapp has improved many things that and as everyone knows Whatsapp is free and the world's more secure messaging app.

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